40 anys, 40 raons


Director of INCASÒL: Albert Civit

Curation and text: Roger Subirà

Internal coordination: Roger Rosich

Coordination of the team of speakers: Pere Serra

Design: wearejoin.com

Design: Daniel Candal

Urban model, health and naturalization

INCASÒL speakers for Point 1: Carlota Mensa and Raquel Vela

Affordable housing

INCASÒL speakers for Point 2: Carles Mas and Elisa Martínez

Inclusive city, recycling the city

INCASÒL speakers for Point 3: Pere Picorel·li and Meritxell Jané

Prosperity and economic promotion

INCASÒL speakers for Point 4: Silvia López and Jordi Mora

Territory and landscape

INCASÒL speakers for Point 5: David Sarri, Anna Peralta and Anna Gibert

Local sphere and participation

INCASÒL speakers for Point 6: Anna Vila and Marta Blanquet