

The Catalan Land Institute is a public company of the Government of Catalonia, with historical ties to the Catalan Ministry of Territory and Sustainability (now the Ministry of Digital Policies and Territory), as per Law 4/1980, of 16 December, which created the Catalan Land Institute, and later amendments and adjustments, and its functions directly affect the field of architecture, both in terms of building and urban development.


The general concept behind the explanation would be: based on the 2030 Agenda and the SDG, as a snapshot of the current moment, and their adaptation to the Catalan sphere (through the six focal points on the Urban Agenda for Catalonia), we would explain INCASÒL based on its contribution to these six key focal points.

he organisation of the actions didn’t differ radically from what had been done previously. Developing residential land and redeveloping neighbourhoods (and heritage) would be explained through the two focal points that cover the two elements that shape the current urban model: environmental quality and social perspective. “Housing” and “economic activity” would continue to have their own separate focal points.

Finally, two focal points have been added, covering two of the main topics that have emerged over the past decade: the need for new models of governance, including in urban planning, and the impact of climate change on our territory, including topics like the energy transition and the increasingly significant role of the landscape.

The general concept behind the explanation would be: based on the 2030 Agenda and the SDG, as a snapshot of the current moment, and their adaptation to the Catalan sphere (through the six focal points on the Urban Agenda for Catalonia), we would explain INCASÒL based on its contribution to these six key focal points.

La manera d’ordenar les actuacions no era radicalment diferent d’allò que s’havia fet anteriorment: el desenvolupament de sòl residencial i la renovació de barris (i del patrimoni) quedarien explicats a través dels dos eixos que defineixen els dos elements que donen forma al model urbà actual, la qualitat mediambiental i la perspectiva social. «Habitatge» i «activitat econòmica» continuarien tenint un eix específic.

Finalment, s’afegeixen dos eixos que recullen dos dels grans temes emergents de la darrera dècada: la necessitat d’establir nous models de governança, també en l’urbanisme, i la incidència del canvi climàtic al nostre territori, amb la inclusió de temes com la transició energè-tica i el paper cada vegada més rellevant del paisatge.

The reasons

In this book you will also find the whole series of specific initiatives that INCASÒL has developed over the last 40 years. Divided between the 6 axes, the reasons show us more specifically the work done by INCASÒL.

The reasons in the territory

In the following map you will find georeferenced the reasons for the book, the most outstanding interventions of INCASÒL during its 40 years of history.

the whole book

You can download the entire book in PDF, below.