We bridge the gap and encourage production of organic agriculture in urban spaces
Bringing food production into the city and encouraging people to buy local produce not only benefits the environment, but also plays an educational role and encourages responsible consumption, by raising awareness of the seasonality of produce and reducing transport.
The history of Gallecs is inseparable from that of INCASÒL: since the Institute prevented urban development there, 40 years ago, this landscape of great ecological and social value has been managed by INCASÒL, through the Consorci del Parc de l’Espai d’Interès Natural de Gallecs since 2006. Its mission is to protect and improve the ecological, landscape, agricultural, forestry and production values in the long term and put together annual management programmes to consolidate the space and ensure its viability in terms of agriculture, natural and architectural heritage, recreational activities, environmental education and culture. Today, Gallecs is one of the largest unbroken agricultural areas in the Vallès, with 735 hectares, and is just 15 kilometres north of Barcelona.